4 Mart 2016 Cuma

Start a business as a programmer or go to university

There was a question in Quora:My dad offered me $100k to start a business. What could I start as a programmer? My dad gave me two options: Go to college and get a degree in Computer Science. Accept his $100k and skip college for now to start a business, in exchange for 8 percent equity. I'm leaning towards the second option since I can always go to college later. But how do I find the right idea/opportunity? My answerfor this question You have these options pay attention to the following then decide; 1.How soon will you earn 100K USD after graduation? 2.Starting business means taking risks. 3.University generally gives academic insight. 4. Do you have challenging personality to start up a new business? 5.Can you create a team that really devote to this programming issue? 6.Can you devote yourself to programming? 7. There is no guarantee to a good paid job after graduation. 8. If you go to university you would have the chance to meet people like you. 9. During the university life you can find interesting subjects to make programming. 10. If you set up your own business and be successful you will return money early.

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